
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - June 2016

The first part of the summer vacation will be the month of Ramadhan. Earn the prayers of your mother by helping her in doing Sehri O Aftari. Try to do as many acts of worship as you can. Recite the Holy Quran as much as possible.

After an untiring schedule of studies the children passed their exams and promoted to new classes. After a few days of beginning of the new classes they have got their summer vacation break and willing to have some fun and enjoyment. Definitely the parents must have been willing to have some fruitful activities for their children during summer vacation to save themselves from the mischiefs of the children and to save them from wasting time on cell phone and computers so that they may develop a practical approach to life. We are here to give some suggestion in this regard, hope the mothers will act upon them. We want to suggest you that one way of utilization of this vacation is to visit some of the social welfare institutes to help the poor and disabled ones and to send your children to charity schools to offer their services. We believe it will be a great way to train your children and inculcate the moral values in them. Secondly, you have to tell them that there is always a way and manner to perform every task for example, when they get up early in the morning, they go to washroom first, secondly they brush their teeth and perform ablution for the prayers then they have their breakfast and afterwards they get ready for school. They do not put on their uniform immediately after getting up from their beds and get into van. Teach them that even during this summer break they can change their routine to some extent but not their good habits. These two to three months are really important for them. They can overcome their lacking in their studies to improve their grades. Tell them not to waste this valuable time on cell phones, computers or playing cricket in the streets. Obviously they cannot study all the time and need some entertainment but they should remember that spending time on cell phones and computers is not the only entertainment instead unnecessary use of these gadgets is extremely harmful for health especially for their ears, eyes and brain. Also it increases their tiredness. Most of them dislike drinking milk but they should remember that eating chips, junk food and drinking fizzy drinks will not add to their health.

Eat something light and immediately digest able in this hot weather. Play outdoor games for physical health and exercise like; hockey, tennis, football, and throw ball etc. Also forbid them from watching television as it will make them lazy and less active. They should do their summer vacation homework under someone’s supervision and set their timetable. Computers should be used only to get required information regarding their studies not for chatting with their friends on face book. It should never be happened that mothers are calling them for meals and they are sitting stand still in front of the computer screens. It’s a golden opportunity for growing girls to learn some domestic chores to please their parents. As the first half of the summer vacation is Ramadhan so they should help their mothers in Sehri O Aftari to earnn their prayers and love. Do as many acts of worship as you can and recite as much Quran Pak as you can in the holy month of Ramadhan. Also study Islamic literature to increase your knowledge.

Childrens Training During Vacation: Saying of the Prophet (), “Take advantage of your free time before you become occupied.” (Al Mustadrikalhakim 7846)

So according to the saying of the Prophet (ﷺ) one should take advantage of free time taking it as a blessing by utilizing it in the best possible way. Especially an integrated plan should be made for individual improvement, betterment of home environment, training of the children and their character building. Actually we never value our free time. Every year a long summer or winter vacation break is given to the students according to the climate throughout the country. On the one hand it’s pleasing for the students and teachers on the other hand it increases responsibilities of mothers consequently they can never utilize it and take any advantage of this opportunity. Particularly mothers of small children and parents of boys remain under pressure. In this regard I want to suggest some following practical tips:


The first step is to choose right time for different activities. According to the saying of the Prophet (ﷺ) morning time is full of blessings. Start all of your activities immediately after Fajr prayers. Do not waste this golden time in sleeping. Fix the time for their sleeping according to their age, education and routine activities after discussing with your children. Never mention in front of relatives and friends that your children have got a long vacation now you have to bear them 24/7. This will create a distance between you and your children and the opportunity to give warm welcome to your children will be missed.

Plan a week’s program together with your children every week. Give them some responsibilities according to their interests and intelligence. Being busy on phone for hours is waste of time and also confiscation of your children’s rights.  When your most valuable treasure is in front of you, and your hereafter’s success depends upon their nurture and training so why do you waste your this treasure? One can be given reward on waking up at Fajr time. Give the responsibility of waking up for Fajr time to one of the siblings and exchange it with others so that everyone may develop a sense of responsibility and a passion for piety and cooperation. They should listen to each other’s Hifz-e-Quran even if these are two ayaat only. You can also keep a session of collective study to explain a hadith, a brief annotation of some ayaat or some other Islamic literature. For their practical guidance teach them invocation for morning and evening, the way of offering prayers (Namaz) along with its translation and the way of offering funeral prayers and memorization of brief Surahs. Teach them to do their work with mutual discussion. Fix a time for their summer vacation home work and make them work under your supervision. Plant some trees in flower pot and parterre and teach your children how to take care of them. Invite your children’s friends to your home. This will make your relationship with your children strong and also will increase their and their friend’s trust on you. Which will be a lot helpful for you in future?  Don’t take this two to three months summer break as a burden but it’s a golden opportunity and a right of your children on you to train them and give them time. It’s not only your moral duty but you will be accountable for this in front of Allah. According to the saying of the Prophet (ﷺ) you can give the best gift to your children in the form of a good training and education.  

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